Friday, March 20, 2009

Missing Mummy cake!!

So, waaaay back in October Nicole and Andrea did a cake for a little girl's birthday. Her grandmother works at our bank and before she ordered it she was telling me that she was going to order either a princess cake or something Halloween themed... She ended up ordering a mummy face cake after seeing one that Nicole had done while at school. The kids all loved it and since it was completely edible they had a great time eating the whole thing -- spiders included!

Web Site updates and THE BLOG...

Well, this blog is finally linked to the webpage. I don't know if anyone will ever read any of this, but I wanted a place to be able to tell some of the stories behind the cakes. Hopefully Nicole and Andrea will participate... They seemed willing to and fairly excited about the concept when I first mentioned it, but it has taken a few months for me to get around to actually getting this up on the website -- we'll see. 

Check back in and hopefully we'll have something to entertain you!!
